I have actually never seen an episode of "Nip and Tuck", but I thought I would use it as the title to my new post. It has been an eventful few days with the visit to Stanford Lucile Packard's Children Hospital.
It was confirmed, Zoé will need surgery. Yes, she needs to go in for a Tendo Achilles lengthening procedure also known as TAL in the medical jargon, which I have come to know quite well myself, with its plethora of acronyms: AFO, TAL, PIP,MR, MMD, DM,CIRS etc.
In other words, TAL stands for 3 little incisions in her tendon so that, like a piece of "thread" her tendon can slightly unravel and she can then be put in a cast at 90 degrees. Then, after 3 to 4 weeks in it, she will be fitted with a new Ankle Foot Orthotics.Poor Zoé, it makes me feel so sad to know that, yet again, she needs something done. It seems endless, like there is always something. How much more will she have to go through?
I posted a message on 2 websites to ask people/moms whether they had any input on this type of surgery and what it involved in terms of recovery. Believe it or not, but a Mom from the Myotonic community site told me about her daughter Zoey who had that procedure done. She lifted my spirits a bit when she told me that everything went well. My biggest fear is the anesthesia as it can be problematic in people with MMD (Type 1). I guess we'll have to make sure we meet with the anesthesiologist during our pre-op apt to make sure he knows exactly what it entails.
Looking for other opinions, I am meeting with another Orthopeadics surgeon and I am also sending an application to Shriners Hospital for Children in Sacramento. We don't know whether Zoé will be eligible.
All I know is that I want it done soon, so that we can have her foot flat in order to plan another trip to France, as we have pressing issues there.
Time is of the essence here as much as it is over there.
How I long to go home.
With everything I have to endure, I sometimes feel that FATE keeps punching me in the face. I know I am blessed with many things in my life, but it's easier to say than to feel.
Hope this finds you all well.
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